The blue mural, depicting a large multi-petal flower and several boldcurved lines, is part of the art display entitled Abilight – the Vietnamdebut exhibition of the Japanese artistic collaboration Hitotzuki.
Founded in 1999 by the wife-and-husband couple Kami and Sasu, it seeksto promote creativity rooted in the dimension of street culture, as theartworks present the harmony between that which is feminine andmasculine.
Their distinctive worldview stems fromthe interaction between the dynamically flowing curves fashioned by Kami– the husband, and the strong and flamboyant symmetric motifsengineered by Sasu – the wife. This vision breathes new life into thesense of beauty derived from the street, and has succeeded ininvigorating the era with a steady of vivid new landscapes.
"Hitotzuki stands for the sun and the moon, being contrary to oneanother. They differ, but fuse together. That is how we are. And thisideology has also been reflected in all our works," Sasu said.
When asked about the meaning of the exhibition's name, the coupleexplained: "Abilight is a newly coined word by the couple, deriving from+Abi[lity]+ and +Light+.
"It conveys a positive message to the visitors in Vietnam to share a forward-looking feeling."
The couple worked nine days to complete the mural paintings in the main building of the Japan Foundation Centre.
"Although we did not have any difficulty while creating many giantmurals before, we were challenged by the wall at the Japan FoundationCentre in Vietnam. There are many deep lines, which are original dcordetails for the wall, as well as permanent lights. Of course, it iseasier to paint on a smooth surface than on a rough one," Kami said whenasked about the project in Hanoi.
While wanderingHanoi streets during their breaks, the couple found many interestingplaces. "We hope we will have the chance to draw those places on ournext visit to Hanoi," said Sasu.
Alongside paintingmurals, the couple has also designed a series of products, ranging fromt-shirts, bags, key chains, caps, skateboards, watches, and mugs, withtheir signature motifs. These products can also be seen at theexhibition.
"I have no idea about art, but I wasattracted by flamboyant colours, which, in my opinion, express thestrong vitality and the youth of the young artist couple," aJapanese-language student said.
The murals also impressed older visitors.
"It can be said there are two words describing Japanese culture:refined and sophisticated. Although the artists draw murals with modernsymmetric motifs, I still able to see those features in their artworks,"Kim Anh, a middle-age woman, said.
Before theirVietnam debut, the couple had unveiled their murals in Praha in 2008,Berlin in 2009, Melbourne in 2010, and Los Angeles in 2011.
Alongside the Hitotzuki exhibitions, each artist also has a solo exhibition.
The Abilight exhibition will continue until February 16, 2014 at 27 Quang Trung street.-VNA