The commission concluded that the board violated theprinciple of democratic centralism and working regulations, and showed a lackof responsibility along with lax leadership and supervision, letting the Council of Members and someindividuals violate Party regulations and the State’s laws on production, businessand investment.
Such violations have caused severe consequences, andnegatively affected production and business, as well as the prestige of theParty organisation and the group as well.
Le Minh Chuan, Secretary of the Party Committee andChairman of the Council of Members; and Dang Thanh Hai, Deputy Secretary of theParty Committee, member of the council and General Director; and Nguyen Ngoc Co,Deputy General Director, and former member of the Party Committee of Vinacomin,also received warnings.
Phan Xuan Thuy, member of the Party Committee andDeputy General Director, got a reprimand.
At the meeting, the Inspection Commission also lookedinto violations by the Standing Board of the Party Committee of the centralprovince of Phu Yen (2015-2020 term), and by the Party delegation to the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee (2016-2021 tenure).
It gave warnings to the Standing Board of the PartyCommittee of the HCM City Construction Department, and the Standing Board ofthe Party Committee of the Office of the municipal People’s Committee(2015-2020 term).
Vo Van Hoan, member of the municipal Party Committee and member of theParty delegation to and Vice Chairman of the city People’s Committee,and former Secretary of the Party Committee and former head of the Office ofthe municipal People’s Committee, was reprimanded.
The commission proposed the Politburo considerdisciplinary measures against the Party delegation to the HCM CityPeople’s Committee (2016-2021 tenure) and Nguyen Thanh Phong, member of theParty Central Committee and deputy head of its Economic Commission, former DeputySecretary of the HCM City Party Committee, and former Deputy Secretary of theParty delegation to and former Chairman of the HCM City People’sCommittee./.