“This is also anextremely difficult and complex task because corruption is a ‘congenitaldefect’ of power,” he stressed at a national conference on corruptionprevention and combat in Hanoi on May 5.
Heunderscored that corruption relates to the material interests, fame andfortune of organisations and individuals, and touches those in highposition.
The Party and State should work harderwith more long-term and drastic measures plus higher determination andpatience, according to the Party leader.
It isnecessary to be cautious about the schemes of hostile forces who use thepublic fight against corruption to smear and sabotage the Party, Stateand regime, he warned.
He urged a heightening of theresponsibility of Party committees at all levels and demandedimprovements in leadership and morality within Party organisations inorder for successes to be made in the fight.
Leadersof Party organisations must have a high political determination andregular direction in order to mobilise the combined strength of thepolitical system and the whole of society in corruption prevention andcombat, he said.
General Secretary Trong stressedthe need to improve capacity and coordination among agencies responsiblefor corruption prevention.
“The fight againstcorruption is only effective once it is conducted correctly in theagencies in charge,” he said, adding that any corrupt act must bestrictly punished under the law, without exceptions.
The immediate task is to handle collective and organised corruptioncases, name and shame violating officials and confiscate assets gainedfrom corruption, he stated.
The Party leaderemphasised the necessity of promoting the role of elected agencies, theFatherland Front and mass organisations in the anti-corruption fight aswell as increasing the participation of the public.
“If we do not rely on people, the battle against corruption will struggle to be successful,” he admitted.
The Party chief also underscored the need to focus more on thebuilding and completion of Party’s regulations on the prevention andcombat of corruption, while continuing adjusting the legal system tobetter control it.
He noted that many importantParty documents affirmed that combating corruption and wastefulness isan urgent and long-term task, requiring the initiative of all Partymembers.
“It is crucial to continue strengtheningeducation and awareness campaigns to raise public understanding andresponsibility in fighting corruption. This will create a jointdetermination in the whole society to combat wrongdoing,” he said.
Education is a fundamental measure to prevent moral lapses and enhance people’s integrity, he added.
General Secretary Trong also asked the media to take a more activepart in the struggle against corruption by providing the public withaccurate and multi-dimensional information on the results andshortcomings of the work.
He requested the CentralSteering Committee on the Prevention and Control of Corruption as wellas other authorised agencies to provide information related toanti-corruption to the media in a proactive and timely manner inaccordance with the law.
During the event,participants pointed out that besides positive progress, anti-corruptionwork has also faced shortcomings and has yet to meet the requirementsand expectations of people.
They emphasised the need to stick to the resolutions agreed by the Party Central Committee at past meetings.-VNA