PetroVietnamDeputy General Director Nguyen Quoc Thap has made this statement sayingthat domestic and foreign press’s recent reports on the issue are notaccurate .
According to Thap, a year ago, Iran 'sPetroleum Engineering and Development Company offered some developmentprojects, including Darkhovin, to the PetroVietnam ExplorationProduction (PVEP), a member of PetroVietnam. However, PVEP has yet torespond to the offer.
In fact, PVEP and its Iranpartner have not yet reached any agreement on the Darkhovin project, hesaid, adding that the Darkhovin oilfield was discovered in 1965 withtotal reserves of about 5 billion barrels of crude oil.
PetroVietnam is currently investing in several overseas projects,including the Nhenhetsky project in Russia and the block PM304 and blockSK305 projects in Malaysia./.