Hanoi (VNA) – President Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his delight at the growing ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, during a reception in Hanoi onSeptember 13 for President of the Cambodian National Assembly Samdech HengSamrin.
Phucspoke highly of the results of the talks between Heng Samrin and Chairman of theVietnamese National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue, and cooperation achievements betweenthe two legislatures over the past years.
Hewished that Heng Samrin will continue promoting bilateral ties in the nearfuture.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, two-way trade still hit nearly 10 billion USD last year, up80% year-on-year. Vietnam now invests in 188 projects worth 2.8 billion USD inCambodia, becoming the biggest ASEAN investor and among the top five inthe country.
Bothsides are striving to accelerate the border demarcation to build a borderline ofpeace, friendship, cooperation and sustainable development, he said.
Onthe occasion, the host suggested both sides maintain the exchange of high-levelvisits and cooperation mechanisms via all channels.
Amid the complicated developments in the region and the world, the Vietnamese Presidentwished the two legislatures will further uphold their role to perfect laws,thus facilitating bilateral ties in various areas, especially connecting the twoeconomies, enhancing education and raising public awareness of bilateraltraditional ties, particularly among the young generations.
Heng Samrin, for his part, stressed that the Cambodian legislature always standsside by side with Vietnam. As this year marks the 55th anniversary ofdiplomatic ties, he wished the two countries’ relevant agencies will holdpractical activities to foster their traditional friendship.
Heaffirmed that over the past decades, bilateral friendly ties have beenincreasingly consolidated in a range of areas, from culture, education,socio-economy to people-to-people exchange.
Onthe occasion, he thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for helpingCambodia build working offices of the Cambodian NA’s Secretariat and committeesin Phnom Penh.
TheCambodian Party and people always remember the dedication and sacrifice by Vietnamesevoluntary soldiers and experts in their struggle for national liberationfrom Pol Pot genocidal regime, he said.
Thesame day, the Cambodian leader paid floral tribute to President Ho Chi Minh athis mausoleum./.