The statement was made by Vietnamese Ambassador to SingaporeMai Phuoc Dung when granting an interview to Vietnam News Agency correspondentsin Singapore.
According to him, the visit will help elevate the bilateralrelations to a new height, reflected in a series of cooperation documents and bigcontacts expected to be signed this time in the fields of defence, economy,information and communications, people-to-people exchanges.
The two countries, strategic partnership, established in2013, is at its best and is developing positively in all fields. In thepolitical sphere, the two countries have regularly carryied out consultations atministerial and lower levels. Vietnam and Singapore share a common assessmentof the world situation, and have the same views on world and regional issues. Interms of economy, Singapore was Vietnam’s largest investor in 2020 and 2021and trade relations have continued to thrive despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Dungsaid.
Defence and security ties and people-to-peopleexchanges have also developed well.
In the fight against COVID-19, the two countries have helpedeach other. In early 2020, Vietnam provided Singapore with face masks andmedical equipment. In 2021, when Vietnam was in trouble, Singapore donated alot of medical equipment to the country through the Temasek Foundation andother organisations with a total value of more than 5 million SGD (3.72 millionUSD), the diplomat said, adding that Vietnam always appreciates this assistance.
He went on to say that this visit by President Phuc aims toconcretise agreements that the two countries’ senior leaders have longdiscussed on economic infrastructure connectivity, with special focus on the fieldsthat Singapore has great strengths and Vietnam has demand such as digitaltransformation, and green and clean energy.
The two sides plan to sign a lot of cooperation documents inthese fields, as Singaporean investors are particularly interested in Vietnam'sgreen, clean, and renewable energy.
“I hope that through the visit, the aspects that we prioritisewill grow stronger,” said the ambassador./.