Speaking at the event, MoLISA Deputy Minister Le Quan heldThat Vietnam is now in a critical pint of time as the Government andauthorities are actively pushing up the preparation for 2020 which is a pivotalyear for the ASEAN to make mid-term assessments of its overall plan in all thethree pillars. The official also asked relevant ministries and authorities toactively build a roadmap for the implementation of their activities andinitiatives.
ASEAN Secretary General Lim Jock Hoi asserted that over thepast 50 years, the ASEAN has maintained stability and sustainability whichserve as the foundation of trust, adding that the ASEAN Community has gone deepinto the mind of the people and it is turning to the goal of ensuring thesatisfaction of the ASEAN peoples.
The ASEAN chief also expressed his hope that as the Chair,Vietnam will play the leading role in the action plans of the ASEAN Socio-CuturalCommunity so that the three main pillars of the grouping will grow stronger,thus creating better connectivity and cooperation in the region. The ASEANSecretariat stands ready to assist the activities in the theme of “Cohesive andResponsive” for the ASEAN Year 2020.
Participants exchanged ideas on the priorities of the ASEANSocio-Cultural Community in 2020, and pledged to further discuss thedevelopment of the human resources to prepare the labour force in face of therapid development and changes of the jobs under the influence of the FourthIndustrial Revolution, the digital era and the intellectual-based economy, aswell as the challenges posed by the aging society in the time to come./.