Hanoi (VNA) - Sixmore public services are now available on the National Public Service Portal,raising the total number to 725.
The six services provided from July 1 are notarisinge-copies, granting and renewing driving licenses at Level 4 - the highest levelof online public service provision, paying fines for administrative violationsin road traffic imposed by traffic inspectors, paying fines for administrativeviolations in road traffic imposed by traffic police, paying premiums of voluntarysocial insurance, and extending household-based health insurance.
At the announcement of the new services,Minister and Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung said they aim tobetter meet the needs of millions of people and businesses.
The six services could help save at least 1.686trillion VND (72.89 million USD) in time and expenses for people and businesseseach year, he added.
The 725 services now provided on the National PublicService Portal is a 90-fold increase since it debuted last December 2019 and a 4.5-foldincrease from the end of the first quarter.
Savings of about 6.49 trillion VND annually willcome from handling public services online, including 3.036 trillion VNDcontributed by the National Public Service Portal.
Figures show that compared to the first quarter,the number of accounts on the portal had more than doubled to over 179,600 asof June 29, while the number of visits also doubled to over 46.6 million, or about7.7 million visits each month.
The portal has handled more than 46,000 dossiersevery month. Its online payment system, put into operation in March, has beenconnected with six ministries and sectors along with 31 of Vietnam’s 63 centrally-runcities and provinces and successfully dealt with more than 2,100transactions./.