The seminar was part of a cooperationprogramme between Quang Tri province and the Korean International CooperationAgency (KOICA).
The professors and experts, whocame from universities of the Republic of Korea (RoK), delivered presentationson the programme’s targets and the application of e-government in directforeign investment.
Representatives of provincialdepartments and agencies studied the feasibility of the proposed measures toimprove provincial administration services and apply electronic services inState agencies in the province.
After two years of implementing thecooperation programme, a series of seminars and field trips to the RoK forprovincial officials were organised, enabling them to get new approaches tostate management in the RoK.
The province’s public administration reform has reaped encouraging outcomes,raising capacities and personnel management efficiency in state agencies of alllevels and contributing to Quang Tri’s socio-economic development.-VNA