HCM City (VNA) – Followers of the officially-recognised “Hoi thanhcủa Duc Chua Troi Hiep hoi Truyen giao Tin Lanh The gioi” (World MissionSociety Church of God) in Vietnam have expressed concern that illegalactivities of some religious groups with similar names will affect the imageand operation of their religion.
At present there are several sects using such names as Hoi thanh DucChua Troi or Hoi Thanh cua Duc Chua Troi Me which conducted activities thatviolate the law and go against Vietnamese traditions and good values, thuscausing social disorder.
However, according to the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, theHoi thanh của Duc Chua Troi Hiep hoi Truyen giao Tin Lanh The gioi based in HoChi Minh City is so far the only one licensed to conduct concentrated religiousactivities.
Nguyen Van Hoa, a preacher and founder of a place of worship of the Hoithanh của Duc Chua Troi Hiep hoi Truyen giao Tin Lanh The gioi at Binh ThuanDong A ward, Binh Tan district in HCM City, said the religion’s doctrineupholds love for family and mankind. The religion always wants its followers tobecome good persons who build happy families, thus contributing to a goodsociety and country.
“An important teaching of our religion is to love people around you likeyourself, take care of your family and join social work such as donating blood,cleaning the streets and help people in disadvantaged circumstances,” he said.
Talking about activities of some groups calling themselves Hoi thanh cuaDuc Chua Troi Me in some northern localities, Hoa said those activities havenot received permission from the State, so those groups cannot be considered areligion.
Hoa affirmed that his religion never teaches followers to smash altars orincense burners dedicated to ancestors. The religion does not preach about theend of the world, nor does it preach in parks or public space. It also requiresfollowers who are students to study well and respect and love their families.
The Hoi thanh của Duc Chua Troi Hiep hoi Truyen giao Tin Lanh The gioi(World Mission Society Church of God), also known under the name Hoi thanh cuaDuc Chua Troi Me, has its origin in the Republic of Korea. The sect’s branch inHo Chi Minh City received a licence to operate in July 2017. It currently has around600 members, who worship at four registered places in the city. The sect has noother places of worship in other localities.
A follower of the sect, Ms Kim Anh from Ruby Land apartment, 58/4 LuyBan Bich, Tan Thoi Hoa ward, Tan Phu district, HCM City, said she hopes theauthorities will quickly clarify the difference between serious and law-abidingreligions and illegal activities in the name of religion.
Her wish is shared by many followers of religions operating inaccordance with the law and society as a whole
The Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese State have always paidattention to facilitating religious activities in the spirit of respect forfreedom of religion and beliefs. At the same time, relevant agencies and localauthorities should strengthen the fight against illegal activities in the nameof religion in order to ensure the genuine freedom of religion.
It is a must to identify individuals or organisations who take advantageof religious activities for their own interest, in order to help the communityunderstand, stay vigilant to and fight wrongful behaviours, clean up thereligious life in the country and strengthen the unity bloc, contributing tothe cause of national construction and defence.-VNA