HCMCity (VNS/VNA) - Retailers have prepared goods to ensure adequatesupply in all circumstances and have continued measures to safeguard thehealth of customers and staff amid new cases of COVID-19 that haveoccurred via community transmission.
Saigon Co.op has increased stock for essential goods and taken strictermeasures against COVID-19 at its supermarkets and retail storesnationwide, including Co.opmart, Co.opXtra, Co.op Food, and Co.opSmile.
Do Quoc Huy, Saigon Co.op’ s marketing director, said with experience gainedfrom the peak COVID-19 period, its retail systems have a clearroadmap for stockpiling as well as measures to cope with newdevelopments.
An adequate supply of essential goods have been ensured as wellas antibacterial cloth masks, medical masks and hand gelsanitisers, he said, adding that Saigon Co.op’ s human resources andtransportation plans have been carefully mapped out to cope with anycircumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fresh food, fruits and vegetables and face masks are among thebest-selling products at Co.opmart's entire system. In addition,sales of instant noodles, frozen foods and sanitary products haveincreased slightly compared to the previous week, he said.
At Co.opmart Da Nang in Da Nang city, which has resumed strict socialdistancing measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, sales of these productshave risen by 25 percent compared to a week ago.
A representative of Big C & GO! said the supermarket has been supplyingsufficient goods at stable prices to customers, and has worked withdelivery service providers to serve customers who order goods via itshotline 19001880.
Retailers are transporting goods under separate plans todifferent localities, especially to Da Nang, Quang Nam and Hue, andadopting measures to ensure social distancing rules at its stores in DaNang.
Modern distribution channels are supplying a large number of medicalmasks, antibacterial cloth masks and quality handsanitisers. Retailers are also applying promotions on essentialgoods.
Attraditional markets in HCM City, supplies are abundant and prices havebeen stable./.