RoK commends ASEAN leaders’ call for end to violence in Myanmar

The Republic of Korea (RoK) on April 26 welcomed the joint statement by the Southeast Asian leaders that called for an end to violence in Myanmar and pursuit of a peaceful solution.
RoK commends ASEAN leaders’ call for end to violence in Myanmar ảnh 1Police is arranged to cope with protesters in Myanmar. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Seoul (VNA) – The Republic of Korea (RoK) on April 26 welcomed the joint statement by the Southeast Asian leaders that called for an end to violence in Myanmar and pursuit of a peaceful solution.

"Our government views that the agreements will lay the grounds for the restoration of democracy, stability and peace in Myanmar and we expect a faithful and continued implementation of the agreements," RoK foreign ministry spokesperson Choi Young-sam said in a commentary.

"We, in particular, call for an immediate end to the violent crackdown against demonstrators by using weapons of destruction and hope that a special ASEAN envoy can visit the country at an early date for a constructive dialogue that will embrace all concerned parties," the commentary read.

The same day, the Kremlin said it favoured an internal solution to the unrest in Myanmar, which has been rocked by protests since a military coup in February.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Russia is very concerned and is observing what is happening in Myanmar with great attention.

Russia attaches much importance to its relations with Myanmar, and supports this Southeast Asian country in sorting out its own internal problems.

Earlier on April 24, at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting in Indonesia, the ASEAN leaders reached consensus on five points on Myanmar situation: ending violence, constructive dialogue among all parties, a special ASEAN envoy to facilitate the dialogue, acceptance of aid, and a visit by the envoy to Myanmar.

This was the first international effort to cool down the crisis in Myanmar, which has fallen into political impasse from February 1 after the military arrested leaders of the government, state and members of the National League for Democracy (NLD).

The European Union (EU) described the “five-point consensus” on Myanmar reached at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on April 24 is “an encouraging step” forward in ASEAN’s efforts to resolve the current crisis in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, Japan said this is an initial step to improve the situation in this Southeast Asian country./.

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