The event afforded Vietnamese andLao journalists a chance to share experience in journalism activities relatedto tourism development.
It was also meant to realisePrime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s Decision No.252/QD-TTg dated February 17,2016 on approving the project to strengthen external information with Laos inthe new situation, under which the Ministry of Information and Communicationswas assigned to support Lao reports and media outlets in covering news aboutVietnam in their country.
Vietnamese Deputy Minister ofInformation and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao said Deputy Prime Minister Vu DucDam recently signed Decision No.44/QD-TTg approving a project to strengthenmedia on aspects of tourism, including popularising Vietnam, its culture, andpeople and thus contributing to developing Vietnam’s tourism trademark.
Participants discussed advantagesand disadvantages in communications in combination with tourism, highlightingthe role of tourism in promoting the protection of heritage sites, sustainabletourism development, and strengthening cultural exchanges.
Lao Deputy Minister ofInformation, Culture, and Tourism Savankhone Razmountry said both Laos andVietnam are strong in tourism but also face challenges that the public need toknow to deal with them and attract more tourists.
He highlighted the need to fightwrongful allegations from foreign media or hostile forces which seek tosabotage the image of both countries.
Valasak Pravongviengkham, DeputyGeneral Director of the Lao National Radio, said the use of journalism andinformation technology in tourism today benefits both tourism service providersand users.
Vice Chairwoman of the provincialPeople’s Committee Vu Thi Thu Thuy said Quang Ninh is always ready to welcomedomestic and foreign media outlets to the province to discuss joint work.–VNA