Hanoi (VNA) – Russian scholars in Vladivostok highlighted the significance of the Russia visit from November 29 to December 2 by PresidentNguyen Xuan Phuc in an interview recently granted to a Moscow-based Vietnam News Agencyreporter.
Dr. Alexander Sokolovsky, Chairman of the Russia – VietnamFriendship Association of Primorye province, stressed that the visit isnecessary. He commented that the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership issolid and promising and needs to be maintained regularly. Asthe two countries are striving to develop their relations practically for mutualbenefits, he suggested further promoting economic and trade ties which remainmodest compared to their potential.
Asso.Prof. Dr. Artem Lukin, Deputy Director for Research at the School of Regional andInternational Studies under the Far Eastern Federal University of Russia (DVFU), said it is the first Russia visit by President Phuc in his new positionand one of the first overseas trips since he took office in April, showing thatRussia is of special importance to Vietnam.
Vietnam is also a special partnerand the only country in Southeast Asia to establish a comprehensive strategicpartnership with Russia, he said, adding that economic affairs will be one of the important topics tabled fordiscussions during the visit.
Thescholar also lauded the ability and qualifications of the Vietnamese students at the DVFUand wished that more Vietnamese will come there for study and viceversa. He added that the visit will push bilateral ties forward despite thepandemic as the two nations have long been close friends and partners.
Dr.Evgeny Vlasov, Deputy Vice President for International Relations at the DVFU,said President Phuc will be one of a few foreign leaders to directly meet President VladimirPutin this year.

In hisopinion, one of the most important discussions during the visit will be cooperation against COVID-19 and regional stability. He also mentioned bilateralcollaboration in military technology, regional security and stability, economyand trade.
Hetook note of Vietnam’s important role and its willingness to help Russia approach ASEAN. Additionally, promoting economic and trade ties between Vietnamand the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is also important to Vietnam – Russia ties,he said.
Accordingto the scholar, the Russian and Vietnamese Presidents will have a meaningful conversationthat outlines detailed plans to further boost bilateral ties in the near future./.