In the morning, legislatorscontinued to scrutinise the implementation of the 2021 socio-economicdevelopment and State budget plans; the implementation of similar plans so farthis year; and the realisation of the parliament’s Resolution No. 42/2017/QH14,dated June 21, 2017, on the pilot settlement of credit organisations’ non-performingloans and the extension of this resolution’s regulations.
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc,Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, and Deputy Prime MinisterLe Minh Khai gave opinions on these issues in response to NA deputies’ concern.
In the afternoon, lawmakers lookedinto the 2020 State budget balance, and the thrift practice and wastefulnessprevention last year.
Ministers Nguyen Chi Dung and Ho DucPhoc also provided further details on relevant issues.
The plenary sitting on the 9thworking day was broadcast live on Vietnam Television, Radio the Voice ofVietnam, and NA Television channels./.