Son La province, leaders receive noble orders, medals from Laos

The northern mountainous province of Son La held a ceremony in Son La city on November 22 to receive noble orders and medals conferred by Laos.
Son La province, leaders receive noble orders, medals from Laos ảnh 1At the ceremony (Source:

Son La (VNA) – The northern mountainous province of Son Laheld a ceremony in Son La city on November 22 to receive noble orders andmedals conferred by Laos.

At the ceremony, empowered by the Lao President and Prime Minister, PhethavonePhilavan, member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) CentralCommittee, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Governor of Luang Namthaprovince, presented a Development Medal to Son La province and a FriendshipOrder to the province’s Police Department.

On behalf of the Lao President, Vansay Phengsumma, member of the LPRPCentral Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Governor of Houaphanprovince, handed over a second-class Freedom Order to Secretary of the Son LaParty Committee Hoang Van Chat; as well as third-class Freedom Orders to DeputySecretaries of the Son La Party Committee Nguyen Dac Quynh and Nguyen Huu Dong,and Deputy Secretary of the Son La Party Committee and Chairman of the provincialPeople’s Committee Cam Ngoc Minh.

Addressing the event, Secretary of the Son La Party Committee Hoang VanChat said that the noble awards reflect the Lao Party and State’s recognitionof Son La province and the contributions of its officials towards promoting thetraditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperationbetween the parties, states, and people of Vietnam and Laos.

He affirmed that the Party Organisation, administration and people ofSon La have remained highly aware of the significance in preserving, reinforcing,and developing Vietnam-Laos ties, which were founded by President Ho Chi Minh,President Kaysone Phomvihane, and President Suphanuvong.

Chat pledged to continue strengthening the solidarity and comprehensivepartnership between Son La and Houaphan, Luang Namtha, and other northern Laoprovinces.–VNA 

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