The steering committee for reviewing the realisationof Resolution No.26-NQ/TW on agriculture, farmers, and rural areas, issued atthe seventh plenum of the 10th-tenure Party Central Committee in August 2008,was established under Decision No.02-QD/TW, dated March 26, 2021, by the PartyCentral Committee Secretariat.
Chairman of the Economic Commission Tran TuanAnh said agriculture, farmers, and rural areas always hold a particularimportance to socio-economic stability and development, and they are also astrategic issue in the national industrialisation and modernisation process, aswell as the Party’s revolutionary cause.
Given their significant role, the Party’s consistentviewpoint is to develop agriculture and rural areas and to unceasingly improvefarmers’ living conditions, he said, adding that many important resolutions anddocuments on this issue have been promulgated by the Party, includingResolution No.26-NQ/TW and the Politburo’s conclusions in 2014 and 2019 on thecontinued implementation of this resolution.

They also underlined the need to encourageecological, organic, smart, high-tech and digital agriculture adaptive toclimate change, along with the continuation of the new-style countrysidebuilding programme in an effective and sustainable manner.
Anh noted that the 13th-tenure Party CentralCommittee is considering the review of the resolution execution and the buildingof another replacing Resolution No.26-NQ/TW to submit it to the Party CentralCommittee at the fifth plenum in early 2022, showing the necessity andsignificance of this issue to national development in the time ahead.
He asked the steering committee and relevantagencies and individuals to thoroughly look back on the achievements, failures,and lessons during the resolution implementation so as to seek ways to optimisehuman, natural, and social resources for agricultural, rural, andsocio-economic development.
The new resolution must open up a new era incaring for the people, especially farmers, and agricultural and ruraldevelopment, the official added./.