The five-dayexercise commenced off the port of Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh state ofIndia.
Two naval ships ofThailand - UMS Sin Phyu Shin (F-14), a frigate and UMS Tabinshweti (773), acorvette – were deployed for the exercise. India sent its ships INS Ranvijay, aguided-missile destroyer and INS Kuthar, a missile corvette, to the exercise.
The exercise, thesecond of its kind, featured the habour phase from October 18 – 19 with the sharingof expertise on various maritime issues.
The sea phase fromOctober 20-22 will involve a variety of drills including anti-air and surfacefiring exercises, flying exercises using integral helicopters.
"The jointexercises this year have increased in scope and complexity and is a testimonyof growing maritime cooperation between the two navies," said a statementfrom the Indian Navy./.