Hanoi (VNA) – Nearly 400 people died in roadaccidents across Thailand during the country’s seven-day New Year road safetycampaign from December 29, 2020 to January 5, 2021.
A total of 392 people were killed and 3,326 others wereinjured in 3,333 accidents in the period, the Road Safety Directing Centerreported on January 5.
Speeding was the major cause of accidents (33.6 percent),followed closely by drink-driving (33.1 percent).
The riskiest behaviours were not wearing helmets (59.3percent) and drink-driving (25.1 percent).
Thailand's roads are the deadliest in Southeast Asia andamong the worst in the world, according to the World Health Organisation. About20,000 people die in road accidents each year, or about 56 deaths a day.
Meanwhile, as from January 2020 to date, the country postedjust 65 deaths caused by COVID-19./.