This is the first time a Vietnamese company has been ranked in the Top 30contributing institutions at ICML 2020, shoulder to shoulder with the leadingresearch centres of Apple, NEC and NTT.
The three accepted research of VinAI Research focus on important issues in currentAI research including the development of an optimal computational method tocompare distributions from large data; in depth learning from keyrepresentations from image data, video for optimal control problems andproposals for effective deductive methods for complex non-linear dynamic neuralsystems.
The research on comparing distributions from large data is the basis for manymachine learning algorithms, contributing to the promotion of unattendedmachine learning - one of the most relevant issues in artificial intelligence,computer vision, and natural language processing and understanding. Meanwhile,the research on data representation and nonlinear dynamic systems forms thebasis of a breakthrough in the development of the automation of robots orself-driving cars.
This is the first time a Vietnamese company has been featured in the Top 30contributing institutions at the International Conference on Machine Learning(ICML) which has always been attended by developed nations in terms oftechnology such as the US, the UK, and Canada.
The event not only marks the position of VinAI in the world technologycommunity, but also shows its transformation into a leading technologycorporation, gradually integrating and reaching a global technology peak.
‘The world has gradually become aware of Vietnam's AI research thanks toVinAI's efforts. We will continue to cooperate with leading research institutesand universities from across the world in order to build up a network ofexchange and research to gradually bring the world's artificial intelligencecloser to Vietnam,” said Dr. Bui Hai Hung - Director of the VinAI ResearchInstitute.
In December 2019, VinAI announced its first two scientific research atNeurIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) - the annual internationalconference on artificial neural network information processing systems. Besidesintensive research, VinAI Research’s engineering team is making every effort todevelop high-quality AI core applications and technologies.
In May 2020, VinAI became one of the first companies in the world tosuccessfully research face recognition technology when using masks.
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020 took placebeginning July 12, 2020. The event was attended virtually by the world'sleading experts in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With 40 yearsof organisational experience, ICML provides and publishes advanced researchworks on all aspects of machine learning. ICML, along with NeurIPS, is one theleading international academic conferences on artificial intelligence./.