Timber smuggling worries Kon Tum

Local residents are concerned about timber being smuggled on the Dak Bla River in the Central Highland province of Kon Tum, after authorities failed to stop the illegal activity.
Timber smuggling worries Kon Tum ảnh 1Local residents are concerned about timber being smuggled on the Dak Bla River in the Central Highland province of Kon Tum, after authorities failed to stop the illegal activity (Photo tintaynguyen.com)
Kon Tum (VNA) - Local residents are concernedabout timber being smuggled on the Dak Bla River in the Central Highlandprovince of Kon Tum, after authorities failed to stop the illegal activity.

On January 17, local media reported that smugglers are using tyres to floattimber on the Dak Bla River during the day. The timber is then stored at alocation in Dak Ro Wa commune, just a kilometre from the office of thecommune’s People’s Committee.

Reporters witnessed two trucks full of timber, and three othertrucks and two cranes ready to transport additional lumber piled by theriverside.

The reporters informed Kon Tum city forest rangers of the smuggling. On arrivalat the scene, the rangers found that the five trucks loaded with timber haddisappeared, and they were able to seize just 25 planks, measuring over eightcubic metres.

Head of the Kon Tum City Forest Protection Division Vu Hong Sinh said that thetimber had been illegally sourced, and no one had claimed ownership. Sinh saidthat the timber was allegedly from Chu Pak district in Gia Lai, a neighbouringprovince.

Meanwhile, vice head of Chu Pak Forest Protection Division Nguyen Ngoc Nitold danviet.vn thatit was too soon to say if the seized timber was from Chu Pak district, as KonTum city was also bordered by Kon Ray district of Kon Tum province, and Dak Daodistrict of Gia Lai province.

Chairman of the Kon Tum City People’s Committee Phan Van The, on January 17told danviet.vn thatas soon as he was informed of the timber smuggling on Dak Bla River, thecommittee asked relevant agencies to clarify and report back on the situation.

Responding to public concern over the possible involvement of State officialsor forest rangers in the timber smuggling, The said: “There will be noexception. Any one, any agency that is found to be involved in the Dak BlaRiver timber smuggling will be punished.”

Police, forest rangers and the Dak Ro Wa Commune People’s Committee were askedto work together to investigate and uncover the owner of the timber.

The admitted shortcomings of relevant agencies that had not inspected thetimber.
Last week, Ngoc Hoidistrict forest rangers and Sa Loong border guards alsodetected and seized almost 12 cu.m of ilegally-logged timber in the district’sSa Loong commune. Early this month, forest rangers also cracked down on threetimber smuggling cases in Dak Glei, Dak To and Dak Ha districts.
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc had ordered the closure ofthe natural forest, freezing the remaining 2.25 million hectares of naturalforests in the Central Highlands in an effort to protect the area fromdeforestation.

The region, including Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum and Lam Dongprovinces, is known for its biodiversity as well as the rich culture of itslocal ethnic minorities. But deforestation in the area has worsened in recentyears, leading to a decrease of 300,000 hectares of forest area between2010-2014. The forests which have high-value wood now only account for 10.4percent of the remaining forest area. The number of animals, as well as rareherbs, in the jungle has also fallen sharply in recent years.-VNA

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