The host leader applauded the outcomes of the earlier talks between VietnamesePresident Vo Van Thuong and his Philippine counterpart, during which the two sides handed over documents on agricultural, ricetrading, maritime, and cultural cooperation.
Chairman Hue held that trade is a bright spot of the bilateral ties, addingit has helped generate benefits for enterprises and people of both countriesamid obstacles to global investment and trade flows.
He suggested the two countries expand cooperation in just energytransition, safe digital transformation, and green energy, among others in thespirit of the strategic partnership. Thanking the Philippine President,Government, and people for their recent assistance to Vietnamese workers andcitizens, he recommended the two governments to sign a labour cooperationagreement early.
TheChairman highlighted the increasingly practical connections between the VietnameseNA and the Philippine Congress, especially since the House of Representativesand the Senate of the archipelago nation adopted resolutions on enhancing the bilateral relations before and during the Vietnamese NA delegation’s officialvisit in 2022.
He expressed his hope that the two parliaments will continueincreasing mutual visits by their leaders and specialised agencies, and shareexperience in parliamentary activities and the building of legal frameworks forbilateral investment, economic, and trade ties.
The two sides should actively implement the Vietnamese NA’sagreement with the Philippine House of Representatives and Senate so as to turntheir parliamentary cooperation into a model of its kind in the world, Chairman Huecontinued.
At the meeting, both leaders voiced their delight at the signingof the rice trading agreement, considering this as not only a contributor tothe two countries’ trade turnover but also a demonstration of mutual trust and a helpto food security.

He also agreed on the need for the two sides to step up exchangesof Party, parliamentary, and government delegations as well as people-to-people exchanges, improve the effectiveness of existing cooperation mechanisms, encouragethe two countries’ parliamentary friendship groups to boost practical activities,foster partnerships between localities, facilitate people-to-people exchanges,and connect enterprises.
That will help intensify cooperation within the framework of thePhilippines - Vietnam strategic partnership for the sake of both nations' people, the Presidentopined.
Talking about regional and international issues of shared interest,the two leaders agreed that Vietnam and the Philippines will support each other atmultilateral frameworks. The two nations will continue their close coordination with eachother, other ASEAN countries, and partners to maintain and carry out ASEAN’scommon stance on the East Sea, ensure the full and serious implementation ofthe Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and promotethe negotiations on and building of an efficient and effective Code of Conduct(COC) in the East Sea in line with international law, including the 1982 UnitedNations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
ThePhilippine leader said together with striving for 10 billion USD in bilateraltrade, the two countries need to capitalise on the Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership (RCEP) to expand economic, trade, and investment ties.
Onthis occasion, Chairman Hue called on the Philippines to create more favourable conditionsfor the Vietnamese community to live and work there and serve as bridges ofcooperation between the countries.
Via President Marcos Jr., he invited the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives and President of the Senate of the Philippines to pay official visits toVietnam in the near future./.