Hanoi (VNA) – The 37th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits officially opened in the form of videoconference on November 12. Party General Secretary and State President NguyenPhu Trong delivered his welcome remarks at the opening ceremony of the event.
The following is the full text of the remarks.
“Excellencies,leaders of ASEAN and partners,
Distinguisheddelegates, ladies and gentlemen,
It is my greatpleasure to address the Opening Ceremony of the 37th ASEAN Summitand related Summits - the most important series of ASEAN meetings in the year.
At every ASEAN event that I attend, I always leave with memories of the warmth,solidarity and close-knit brotherhood of our big family. This year, such familialbonds have only become stronger as ASEAN members stand hand-in-hand, cohesiveand responsive, to cope with the challenges facing Southeast Asia and the worldat large.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over a million of lives, upended our daily life,and threatened to reverse the social and economic progress accrued over decades.The year 2020 is coming to a close as complex and far-reaching changes are sweepingthe world. More than ever, all countriesneed peace and stability for cooperation and development; and the peoplerequire attention, assistance and protection in overcoming this period of hardship.This will only be possible if conflicts and friction over interests anddifferences in thinking and approaches are settled with trust, constructivepurpose and goodwill from all parties concerned.
Ladiesand gentlemen,
Against the multi-colored backdrop of the world today, one may note brightershades – cooperation in response to challenges – in the Asia-Pacific; and ASEANis at the front and center of this process.
In 2020, ASEAN member states have manifested resolve and resilience in the faceof myriad difficulties and challenges. From political commitments at thehighest level to the well-coordinated actions of the entire Community andbetween member states, we have witnessed the Cohesive and Responsive ASEANembodied in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Such spirit is equallyvisible in our efforts to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Ourgovernments' capable response to COVID-19 has garnered high level of publictrust.
While certain multilateral institutions are beset by difficulties and challenges, ASEAN has managed to maintain its functions anduphold its role and visibility this year. Its partners continued to hold ASEAN inhigh regard, and pledged to support its centrality. Dialogue, cooperation andintegration continued to prove their relevance in the current regional andinternational landscape.
Thatbeing said, the road ahead is no bed of rose. The losses in lives and propertyof millions in the region from natural disasters and diseases are catastrophic.The people of ASEAN expect their leaders to adopt more effective and vigorous meansof cooperation in curbing new waves of infection. They expect us to find waysto sustain business operation, and join them in revitalizing the economies.They expect us to assist them to return to normal life and guarantee socialsecurity for each and every individual and locality.
It falls upon us to identify an optimal position for ASEAN in the post-COVID-19world. The strong will and aspiration to uphold a region of peace, stability,cohesion, unity and the rule of law should be further affirmed as a core valueof Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Community.
In the new context, ASEAN member states need to showcase their resilience andwork together in realizing recovery plans and initiatives via new, substantiveand effective ways of operation and collaboration. The ASEAN-led frameworks forregional dialogue and cooperation should be fully harnessed. ASEAN can makeeven greater contributions to promoting multilateralism, upholdinginternational law, and strengthening the global multilateral system with theUnited Nations at its core.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is Vietnam’s consistent policy to engage in diversification andmultilateralization of its external relations, to be a reliable friend andpartner, and an active and responsible member of the international community,striving for peace, cooperation and development. Guided by that policy line, Vietnamhas gone from strength to strength over the past 75 years. Such spirit shallfurther be the guiding compass for our foreign policy, all the more so as theglobal landscape is evolving in such complex and unpredictable manner.
Vietnam’s ASEAN membership over the past 25 years has served as the cornerstonefor its international integration and conducting of foreign affairs. ASEAN hasbecome a common home, and the ASEAN Community is critical to upholding theSoutheast Asian identity.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As the 2020 Chair, Vietnam has been promoting a “cohesive and responsive” ASEAN.We always value the solidarity, support and assistance of fellow member states,partners and friends of ASEAN. This, by itself, reflects the spirit of theASEAN Community in seeking to triumph over all adversities, maintain themomentum of integration, grow strong and reinforce ASEAN centrality, for aSoutheast Asia of peace, friendship, cooperation, neutrality andstability.
Our President Ho Chi Minh once said: “Unity makes strength”. Only throughcooperation, trust, synergy and one-mindedness, can ASEAN and the worldovercome hardships to revitalize growth and maintain peace, stability andsustainable development.
I am fully confident in the solidarity and collective strength of the ASEANCommunity. May the 37th ASEAN Summit and related Summits be crownedwith success and guide ASEAN to greater heights, as aspired by ourcitizens.
Thank you for your attention”./.