Below is the full text of the TPP leaders’ statement:
“We,the Leaders of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, NewZealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam, are pleased toannounce today the broad outlines of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)agreement among our nine countries. We are delighted to have achievedthis milestone in our common vision to establish a comprehensive,next-generation regional agreement that liberalizes trade and investmentand addresses new and traditional trade issues and 21st-centurychallenges. We are confident that this agreement will be a model forambition for other free trade agreements in the future, forging closelinkages among our economies, enhancing our competitiveness, benefittingour consumers and supporting the creation and retention of jobs, higherliving standards, and the reduction of poverty in our countries.
Buildingon this achievement and on the successful work done so far, we havecommitted here in Honolulu to dedicate the resources necessary toconclude this landmark agreement as rapidly as possible. At the sametime, we recognize that there are sensitive issues that vary for eachcountry yet to be negotiated, and have agreed that together, we mustfind appropriate ways to address those issues in the context of acomprehensive and balanced package, taking into account the diversity ofour levels of development. Therefore, we have instructed ournegotiating teams to meet in early December of this year to continuetheir work and furthermore to schedule additional negotiating rounds for2012.
We are gratified by the progress that we are now ableto announce toward our ultimate goal of forging a pathway that will leadto free trade across the Pacific. We share a strong interest inexpanding our current partnership of nine geographically anddevelopmentally diverse countries to others across the region. As wemove toward conclusion of an agreement, we have directed our negotiatingteams to continue talks with other trans-Pacific partners that haveexpressed interest in joining the TPP in order to facilitate theirfuture participation.”/.