First Secretary of theCommunist Party of Ukraine P. Simonenko made this statement at a meetingin Ho Chi Minh City on Oct. 13 with Le Hoang Quang, Vice Secretaryof the Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the HCM City People’sCommittee.
The Communist Party of Ukraine will study theapplication of Vietnam ’s experience and vivid realities, includingvaluable CPV lessons in terms of politics and socio-economicdevelopment, and include them in its action platform, Simonenko said.
Hiscurrent visit to Vietnam aims to learn about the realities ofVietnam , he said, adding that he witnessed strong development andrenewal achievements, as well as experience in construction anddevelopment of Vietnam and HCM City and other localities inparticular.
Simonenko said he believed Vietnam will see further development with its sound policies under CPV leadership.
TheFirst Secretary said the two Communist Parties face similar issues andhave been revising their operations to meet the demands of newconditions and situations. Therefore, the Communist Party of Ukrainewishes the two Parties to share more experience.
Vice SecretaryQuan highlighted traditional friendship and cooperation in many areasbetween the two parties and the two countries, affirming the need tostrengthen and build each strong party and continue to promote traditionand boost friendship and cooperation between the two Parties andpeoples.
Earlier, Simonenko was received by General SecretaryNguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi on Oct. 10, who described his current visitto Vietnam as a strong manifestation of the traditional friendshipand all-round cooperation between the two countries.
Simonenkowas also received by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and held talks withHoang Binh Quan, member of the Party Central Committee and Head of itsCommission for External Relations.
During his visitto Vietnam, Simonenko is scheduled to visit several economicestablishments and work with the Party Committees of Quang Ninh, BinhDuong provinces and Ho Chi Minh City./.