Hanoi (VNA) – The US Trade andDevelopment Agency (USTDA) will provide technical assistance for Vietnam tocarry out a research project on developing an energy storage system under anagreement signed with the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) in Hanoi on September 5.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has allowedthe EVN to receive a non-refundable aid package worth over 755,000 USD from theUSTDA to implement the project, which is expected to give an overall assessmentof current issues with Vietnam’s power system, including its stability andoperational status.
Under the Government-approved national renewableenergy development strategy through 2030 with a vision to 2050, Vietnam willutilise about 6,000MW of solar energy by 2025and 12,000MW by 2030.
According to EVNChairman Duong Quang Thanh, Vietnam should fully prepare the technicalstandards for its power system, as well as relevant regulations and operationalprocedures to make the most efficient use of new energy resources.
The US’ experience in energy storage will bevaluable for Vietnam as well as for future cooperation between the twocountries’ energy industries, he said.
More specifically, the USTDA’s technicalassistance will help Vietnam’s power system address difficulties in thedevelopment of renewable energy in times ahead, he added.
US Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel Kritenbrink saidthe planning and preparation of the project is important in creating the foundationsfor sustainable and high-quality energy.
The agreement aims to support the EVN in conductingfeasible research for the development of energy storage, thus helping improvethe stability of the power network and address the energy supply-demand imbalancein the northern and southern regions of Vietnam, he said.
The USTDA and the US Embassy pledged tocooperate with Vietnam to meet the country’s increasing demand for energy,including the development of modern power transmission technology, diversificationof energy resources, and improvement of energy infrastructure, he added.
In the past, through the US Embassy and the USTDA,the EVN has received technical support from their research to build aninformation technology development roadmap for the National Power TransmissionCorporation signed in 2013 and the Central Power Corporation in 2016.
The two sides have also developed smartelectricity networks and improved the efficiency of power plants and liquefiednatural gas (LNG) usage technology. –VNA