Speaking at a hearing of the National Assembly(NA)'s Judicial Committee on May 9, Lam said that the users, both individuals, andorganizations, that fail to meet the requirements will be reviewed or blocked.
The move aims to prevent law violations and scams usingsocial networks, Lam said.
He added that the upcoming session of the NA will consider a draft of the revised telecom law, which stipulates that overseas over-the-top (OTT) apps will be subject to the same management like domestic ones.
Regarding measures to prevent the abuse of technologies tocommit cybercrimes, Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Duy Ngoc saidthat the matching of the national resident database and phone numbers hascontributed to improving the situation.
As of April 15, the MIC had detected 1.2 million phone numberswhose users have failed to identify themselves, he noted.
Ngoc said that in the time to come, the Ministry of PublicSecurity will discuss with banks to verify payment accounts to minimize fraudsand scams in cyberspace./.