Beijing (VNA) – Vietnamese Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung held talkswith his Chinese counterpart Liu Kun in Beijing on November 27 as part of hisworking visit to China from November 25-30.
Atthe talks, Dung briefed the hosts about Vietnam’s macro-economy and economicprospects. Despite a wide range of difficulties and challenges, Vietnam managedto post an economic growth rate of 6.98 percent in the first nine months of2018, the highest level in the nine month period since 2011, he said.
Thecountry has successfully kept inflation under control, while boostingimport-export, making it an important driving force for its economic growth,Dung said.
Vietnam’sfinance and securities markets have developed strongly, while its insurancemarket has maintained positive growth and monetary market has seen goodliquidity, the minister said.
Meanwhile,the nation’s business environment has seen improvements, he said, noting thatVietnam climbed 14 places to 68th amongst 190 economies in the WorldBank’s Ease of Doing Business 2017 rankings and jumped five positions to 74th amongst 135 economies in the Global Competitiveness Index 2017.
Accordingto the minister, international organizations had forecast that Vietnam’seconomy will record positive growth in 2018.
Forhis part, Liu noted with pleasure that China-Vietnam cooperative ties have beenlifted a new height following mutual visits by senior leaders of the twonations.
Hetold the Vietnamese guests that China’s economy is switching to high-qualitygrowth and the country is striving to accomplish the goal of comprehensivepoverty eradication by 2020.
Bothministers expressed their delight at achievements in Vietnam-China relationsafter 68 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties.
Thetwo sides agreed to step up cooperation and mutual support within bilateral,regional and multilateral cooperation frameworks, and at the same time,strengthen coordination in the fields of financial cooperation, human resourcedevelopment, macro-economic supervision, and mid-term budget plan making.
Duringtheir visit, the Vietnamese delegation also had working sessions with theGeneral Administration of Customs, the China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission(SASAC).
Atthese working sessions, the two sides agreed to increase the exchange ofinformation and experience in restructuring state-owned enterprises (SOEs) andpromoting the Party’s leadership in SOEs.
Theyalso consented to enhance cooperation in the fight against smuggling, tradefraud, and drug trafficking as well as in supervising the enforcement ofintellectual property rights in border areas.
TheVietnamese delegation also visited and talked with the staff of the VietnameseEmbassy in China.-VNA