The CPV chief and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and President of China XiJinping witnessed the signing ceremony after their talks held on the same day.
The documents included those sealed between the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and the CPC Central Committee’s International Liaison Commission; and between the former’s Commission for Internal Affairs and the latter’s CentralPolitical and Legal Affairs Commission.
Memoranda of understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and the Chinese People'sAssociation for Friendship with Foreign Countries; between the countries’ministries of justice; and between their capitals Hanoi and Beijing were also inked.
The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade signed an MoU onstrengthening joint works to ensure the supply chain between the nations with theChinese Ministry of Commerce; an MoU on food safety in bilateral trade with theChinese General Administration of Customs (GACC); and another on cooperation intrade and economy with the People's Government of China’s Yunnan province
The customs bodies of Vietnam and China, meanwhile, sealed apact on building priority areas for collaboration.
Similar MoUs on increasing the bilateral cooperation werealso inked in the sectors of ecology-environment; culture-tourism; stateassets and state enterprises.
The Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the GACCsigned a protocol requiring phytosanitary for fresh bananas exported fromVietnam to China./.