The Vietnamese leader highly valued recent progress made in theVietnam-WEF collaboration, especially the organisation’s assistance insuccessfully hosting the WEF Meeting on East Asia in Ho Chi Minh Cityin 2010 and effectively implementing the “New Vision for Agriculture”initiative.
He asked the WEF to extend its supportin popularising Vietnam’s image to the global business community,adding that his country is willing to coordinate with the organisationin implementing joint popularisation programmes.
ThePM also hoped for the WEF’s close collaboration with Vietnam inmutually concerned issues such as competitiveness promotion, businessclimate improvement, and sustainable development.
Philipp Roesler appreciated Vietnam’s socio-economic developmentachievements and thanked the Southeast Asian country for its activeparticipation in and important contributions to WEF meetings. He said hehopes that the country will continue such a performance at upcoming WEFevents like the meetings in Davos and on East Asia.
The organisation will work closely with the Vietnamese Ministry ofForeign Affairs and relevant agencies to design programmes and conductactivities popularising the country’s national image at the WEF Meetingin Davos, he added.
Later on the day, the WEF leaderhad a working session with Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Pham BinhMinh and representatives of Vietnamese businesses which are members ofthe WEF.
They discussed measures to further promoteVietnam’s image at WEF forums and other international events. DeputyPM Minh asked the WEF to help Vietnamese businesses partner with theworld’s leading companies.
Also on November 28,Philipp Roesler attended a workshop on businesses’ role in theimprovement of the national competitiveness in internationalintegration.-VNA