Geneva(VNA) – Vietnam has contributed to the diversity of the International LawCommission (ILC) via information and arguments towards increasing benefitbalance, objectivity, fairness and justice, said an official.
VietnameseAmbassador Nguyen Hong Thao, who was elected as Second Vice Chairman of the ILCduring its 70th session, made the statement on the sidelines of the ongoingevent. The ILC scheduled its 70th session at United Nations Headquarters in NewYork, the US, from April 30 to June 1, and at the United Nations Office inGeneva, Switzerland, from July 2 to August 10.
Ambassador Thaohighlighted the importance of the session as it marked the 70th foundinganniversary of the ILC.
He added thatVietnam was among nations honoured for their contributions to the ceremony.
The diplomat saidreports at the session in Geneva had impacts on the rights and interests ofVietnam, noting that many of them employed Vietnamese examples.
According to Thao,the agenda of the session in Geneva covers a range of topics like theidentification of customary international law; provisional application oftreaties; protection of the atmosphere; protection of the environment inrelation to armed conflicts; and immunity of State officials from foreigncriminal jurisdiction.
Contributing tothe report on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts,Vietnam proposed expanding the “Occupying State” concept to “Occupying Power”,which includes the occupation of international organisations when carrying outpeacekeeping and security missions. The change was approved by the rapporteurfor the entire report.
Concerningreporters’ questions on Vietnam’s increasing participation in multilateral organisations,Thao, an ILC member since November 2016, stressed that the country is yet tohave a satisfied number of representatives among the groups of internationalofficials and experts.
The presence ofthese representatives reflects Vietnam’s policy of being a responsible memberof the international community, which, Thao believed, was achieved by followinglong-term comprehensive goals and action plans.
He recommendedVietnam sharpen personnel capacity, seize opportunities and mobilise effortsfor elections to international posts. The selected candidate has to demonstratetheir capacity to increase Vietnam’s prestige and create favourable conditionsfor the country in future election campaigns, Thao added.
The ILC, a UNsubsidiary organ established in 1947, is in charge of compiling internationaltreaties, drafting international conventions and studying major issues relatedto international law. It has 34 members, elected once every five years.-VNA