The event saw theparticipation of senior officials from four MRC members of Cambodia,Laos, Thailand and Vietnam and the two partner countries Chinaand Myanmar. Representatives of development partners, observers,and ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh were also in attendance.
Under the theme “Water, Energy and Food Security in the context ofclimate change for the Mekong River Basin”, the event focused on keycurrent issues in Mekong cooperation.
Participantsreviewed the implementation of the 2010 Hua Hin Declaration, deliberatedon opportunities and challenges, and outlined measures to continuestrengthening the management, sustainable exploitation and developmentof the Mekong River in the coming time.
A Ho Chi Minh City statement is expected to be issued at the end of the summit.
On April 2-3, Vietnam, in conjunction with the MRC Secretariat,held an international conference themed “Cooperation for Water, Energyand Food Security in Transboundary Basins under a Changing Climate”.
The conference attracted the participation of about300 delegates from Mekong countries as well as leaders and seniorrepresentatives of 20 transboundary basin organisations in Asia, Afica,Europe and America .
Speaking on the sidelines ofa preparatory session for the second MRC Summit on April 4, HansGuttman - CEO of the MRC Secretariat – said Vietnam has taken the leadin implementing the Agreement on Mekong Cooperation, while remainingactive in settling differences existing in the commission.
The country has made significant contributions in the operation of theMRC by financing and providing experts, information and data to thecommission, he added.
Playing the central role in thecommission, Vietnam has made strong commitments in solving issues ofthe MRC and the region, he added.
Together with otherMRC countries and dialogue partners, Vietnam discussed and sharedopinions on various issues including water energy, hydropowerdevelopment, and the reduction of climate change impacts, said Guttman.-VNA