The two ministers discussed the regionaland international situation and informed each other about their respectivecountries’ efforts to prevent and control COVID-19. They also highly valued Vietnameseand Japanese military medicine experts sharing knowledge and experience in thepandemic response via teleconferences.
They agreed to carry out bilateraland multilateral defence cooperation activities as soon as the COVID-19pandemic is brought under control, with priority given to all-level meetingsand UN peacekeeping operations; effectively maintain the dialogue andconsultation mechanisms among the staff of the countries’ naval, infantry, andair forces; organise exchanges among the naval, air, and coast guard forces;and hold capacity improvement programmes.

Appreciating his counterpart’s positive evaluation of the countries and the militaries’relations, Giang thanked Japan for assisting and supporting Vietnam to fulfil its role as ASEAN 2020 Chair.
He held that the two sides shouldcoordinate together to well perform the co-chairmanship of the Experts’ WorkingGroup on Peacekeeping Operations within the framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’Meeting Plus in the 2021 - 2023 period.
The Vietnamese minister applaudedJapan’ proposal and successful organisation of the online Japan - ASEAN seminaron humanitarian assistance and disaster relief last April.
He also voiced his hope that MinisterKishi will continue paying attention to and promoting the countries’ defencecooperation in a substantive manner that matches each side’s interests, for thesake of regional and global peace and development.
Prior to the online talks, Giang had a meeting with Japanese Ambassador toVietnam Yamada Takio./.