The talks took place right after the welcome ceremony thesame day.
The Vietnamese PM expressed his support for Myanmar duringthe national reconciliation and construction.
Aung San Suu Kyi congratulated Vietnam on obtaining importantachievements over the past 30 years of renovation, especially in ensuringsocial welfare and sustainable development.
Both sides shared the view that the upgrade of bilateral tiesto comprehensive strategic partnership during Myanmar visit by Party GeneralSecretary Nguyen Phu Trong in August 2017 has opened up a new chapter inbilateral ties. Political, national defence-security, economic-trade-investmentties have been growing. Vietnam is now the ninth largest trade partner and theseventh foreign investor of Myanmar.
They vowed to further boost political and diplomaticcollaboration via facilitating all-level visits through the Party, Government,State, National Assembly channels and people-to-people exchange, accelerate theorganisation of the ninth Vietnam – Myanmar Joint Commission, soon approve theAction Programme to realise the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnershipfor 2018-2023.
Speaking highly of Vietnam’s projects in Myanmar and thePM’s sharing of experience in renovation and economic integration, the guestsaid Myanmar will build trade and investment policies to create favourableconditions for foreign investors, including those from Vietnam.
Host and guest highly valued the development of cooperationin defence-security. They pledged to extend collaboration into training,military medicine, search and rescue, sport exchange, and agreed to hold thedeputy ministerial-level defence policy dialogue in 2018 as well as step upnegotiations to soon sign the agreement on anti-crime and others such as theAgreement on Extradition and Agreement on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons.
The two leaders expressed their wish to further uphold otherimportant cooperation fields, including finance, telecommunications, energy,agro-forestry-fisheries, people-to-people exchange. They welcomed thestrengthening of coordination across transport, tourism, justice, education,culture and agreed to soon sign deals that lay legal foundation for specificfields.
On regional and global issues of shared concern, theypledged to work closely together at regional and global forums such as ASEAN,the Non-Aligned Movement, the United Nations, jointly work to successfullybuild the ASEAN Community which plays a central role in regional securityarchitecture, sustainably and effectively use Mekong River water resources,especially within the framework of the Greater Mekong Sub-region cooperationmechanisms.
PM Phuc expressed his support for Myanmar’s bid for theofficial membership of the Mekong River Commission.
They highlighted the importance of maintaining peace andstability in the region, maritime and aviation freedom in the East Sea, thepeaceful settlement of disputes based on respect of international law, the 1982United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, without use of force or threatto use of force, and committed to the full and effective implementation of the Declarationon the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and working towards reaching a Codeof Conduct in the East Sea.
Following the talks, they witnessed the signing of aMemorandum of Understanding on cooperation in telecommunications andinformation technology, and another on information cooperation.
The same day, Aung San Suu Kyi laid a wreath at the monumentdedicated to martyrs.-VNA