At the talks, heldfollowing a state-level welcome ceremony for the Philippine leader, Thuongstressed the significance of his guest’s first-ever state visit to Vietnam inhis capacity as President of the Philippines.
The visit is significant as it will contribute tocreating new momentum for the bilateral strategic partnership, the host said,congratulating the Philippines on its socio-economic achievements, notably itseconomic growth which is among the highest in the region.
Marcos Jr. also lauded Vietnam’s outstanding resultsin socio-economic development and external affairs over the past time, andaffirmed that Vietnam remains the only strategic partner of the Philippines inthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). He also expressed his hope formore effective and substantive cooperation between the two countries.

Two-way trade has been rapidly growing over thepast years, they highlighted, adding that the Philippines continues to be Vietnam’sbiggest rice importer.
Host and guest also noted with pleasure progress incollaboration in culture, tourism, education-training, and people-to-people exchangeafter the COVID-19 pandemic.
They agreed to strengthen cooperation in politicsand diplomacy through the exchange of visits and contacts at all levels, andwork together to set out an action programme implementing the strategic partnershipfor 2025-2030.
The two countries will also enhance collaboration ineconomy, striving to soon raise the bilateral trade revenue to 10 billion USD byeasing trade barriers, facilitating exports, optimising trade agreements in theregion, and encouraging their businesses to invest in such sectors asprocessing, high-tech agriculture, infrastructure, and oil and gas.
The bilateral cooperation is expected to be expandedto new, important fields like digital economy, green economy, digitaltransformation, circular economy, and renewable energy.
The two sides consented to work together in climate changeresponse, pollution settlement, carbon emission reduction and plastic wastetreatment, among others.
The guest thanked Vietnam for its readiness toensure stable and long-term rice supply to the Philippines, and highly valuedthe signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on rice trade as part of histrip, which he believed will contribute to ensuring food security and forging solidaritybetween the two countries.
The leaders concurred to strengthen collaboration innational defence and security, and shared the view on the importance of maritimecooperation. They also agreed to cooperate in raising the capacity for fightingcross-border and high-tech crimes.
Thuong suggested the Philippines continue its humanitariantreatment towards Vietnamese fishermen, and soon extend the hotline agreementbetween the two agriculture ministries to quickly exchange information on illegal,unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, helping Vietnam soon have the EuropeanCommission's “yellow card” warning on its seafood removed.
The leaders agreed to expand cooperation in otherimportant spheres like education, culture, and tourism, touching upon theopening of more direct flights and the enhancement of people-to-people exchange.
The Philippine President affirmed his support for Vietnam to hostthe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum in 2027.
For the East Sea issue, they committed tomaintaining and promoting peace, security, stability, safety and freedom ofnavigation and overflights, and called on parties to exercise self-restraint, notuse force or threaten to use force, fully respect diplomatic and legalprocesses, and address disputes by peaceful measures in line with the basicprinciples of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Conventionon the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The guest invited Thuong to paya state visit to the Philippines at an appropriate time. The Vietnamese leaderaccepted the invitation with pleasure.
Following the talks, the two sides issued a jointstatement and attended a ceremony to exchange cooperation documents in agriculture,rice trade, maritime affairs and culture./.