Hanoi (VNA) – The Party, Government, ministries andagencies of Vietnam have high political resolve to realise the national actionplan on fighting money laundering and terrorist financing for 2015-2020, DeputyPrime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue said on November 8.
At a reception for a multilateral assessment delegation of theAsia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) in Hanoi, Hue said Vietnam’sAnti-Money Laundering Steering Committee met in early September to prepare forthe assessment.
He reported that the Supreme People’s Court has issued resolutionsguiding the implementation of the Penal Code’s articles on money laundering andterrorist financing, and the Government has also issued relevant decrees.
Hue briefed his guests on Vietnam’s fight against corruption with several bigcases, including those related to money laundering, brought to light.
The official expressed his hope that the APG’s assessment willhelp the country perfect and effectively operate its mechanisms for preventingand countering money laundering and terrorist financing.
Vietnam will continue to perfect it legal system, step upinternational cooperation, especially judicial assistance, and increase thecommunication work in this field, he said.
Head of the APG delegation David Becker lauded the Vietnamese side for its thorough preparations of documentsand coordination in the assessment.
The APG acknowledges the political determinationof the Vietnamese Party and State in combating corruption and money launderingcrimes, he said.
Vietnam is a member of the APG which is part ofthe Financial Action Task Force (FATF) - an independentinter-governmental body that develops and promotes policies to protect theglobal financial system against money laundering, terrorist financing and thefinancing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
At the 20th Annual Meeting of the APG,member countries approved a plan on multilateral assessment of anti-moneylaundering and counter-terrorist financing in Vietnam from November 4-15./.