Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam’s Ministry ofPublic Security and the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) Supreme Prosecutors’ Office havesigned a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the prevention andcombat of cross-border crimes.
Minister To Lam and Prosecutor General MoonMoo-il signed the MoU during their talks in Hanoi on January 29.
At the talks, Lam said the cooperative relationsbetween Vietnam and the RoK have strongly developed over the past few years,gaining important outcomes in the fields of politics, security, defence, law,trade, investment, and culture.
He added that his ministry highly appreciated theRoK Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s initiative in establishing the Asia-PacificInformation Coordination Centre for Combating Drug Crimes (APPIC) and the Anti-DrugLiaison Officials’ Meeting for International Cooperation (ADLOMICO).
Through these mechanisms, national lawenforcement agencies in the region, including those of Vietnam and the RoK,have exchanged professional information and coordinated to crack down on drugcrimes, as well as supported each other with specialised equipment, Lam said.
He affirmed that the signing of the MoU will createa legal foundation for joint activities and help promote bilateral relations insecurity and order.
The minister urged the two sides to step upcollaboration and seriously implement the common perceptions reached by theirleaders in the field of security and law enforcement, as well as the contentsof the signed cooperation agreements.
He suggested maintaining all-level delegationexchanges to share information in preventing and combating drug crime,high-tech crime, economic crime, corruption, and money laundering; while assistingeach other in training officials and increasing the capacity of lawenforcement.
He asked the RoK side to introduce potentialpartners for his ministry’s firms to produce equipment for crime prevention andcombat, and supporting the ministry with some specialised equipment.
Prosecutor General Moon Moo-il affirmed that theRoK Supreme Prosecutors’ Office is willing to partner with the Vietnameseministry in the fields of mutual concern, especially in the fight against crimeand citizen protection. –VNA