Vietnam, RoK enhance youth exchange

Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan and President of the Korean Foundation (KF) Lee Geun signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on experience sharing and youth exchange during the 2020-2024 period, in Hanoi on December 25.
Vietnam, RoK enhance youth exchange ảnh 1At the signing ceremony (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan and President of theKorean Foundation (KF) Lee Geun signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) onexperience sharing and youth exchange during the 2020-2024 period, in Hanoi onDecember 25.

TheMoU aims to facilitate the establishment of a framework of relevant cooperationagreements between the two sides.

Underthe document, delegations of the two sides will share experience in leadership,management, socio-economic and youth development policy building andenforcement, poverty reduction, new-style rural area building and smartagriculture development.  

Theywill also visit relevant agencies, economic models and relic sites, and engagein cultural exchanges.

Accordingto Tan, six years ago, the two sides signed a similar MoU within the frameworkof a project that selected 600 excellent young intellectuals to work as vicechairs of communal People’s Committees in 64 poor districts in Vietnam.

Overthe past years, five Vietnamese delegations were sent to the Republic of Korea(RoK) to learn from the country’s experience in poverty reduction and new ruralarea building, he said.

Theofficial called on the Korean Foundation to create conditions for Vietnamesedelegations to visit the RoK, and expressed his welcome to those from the EastAsian nation.

Forhis part, Lee expressed his hope that through trips to Vietnam, Korean youthswill understand more about the Vietnamese culture, land and people.

TheRoK will create the best possible conditions for the study of Vietnamesedelegations in the country, he pledged./.

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