The ambassador attendedthe event together with representatives from several other SoutheastAsian countries, including Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippinesand Singapore.
Ambassador Tung briefed the forumon Vietnam’s significant achievements recorded during the pasttwo-decade renewal process and solutions to ease impacts of the globaleconomic crisis on the national economy.
With apopulation of over 90 million people, Vietnam is seen as a majormarket in the region, the diplomat said, noting that the country hasbecome the world’s leading rice exporter.
On thisoccasion, the Vietnamese Embassy’s Commercial Counselor Hoang Tuan Vietdistributed documents to participants at the forum, that provide usefulinformation about Vietnam’s economic development, including a list ofthe country’s 30 major export items.
Many Mexicanbusinesses showed their interest in Vietnamese products such as bikes,electronic components, information-technology, ceramics, rice andgarments and textiles.
Chairman of the ForeignAffairs Committee for the Asia-Pacific, Senator Teofilo Torres Corzo,Jalisco Governor Rafael Mejorada Flores and Colima state’s GovernorMario Anguiano Moreno, and Chairman of the Business Council for Foreigntrade, Investment and Technology of Western Mexico Salvador Cuevas Acunaexpressed their wish to establish trade partnership with SoutheastAsian countries. They also called on Southeast Asian enterprises toinvest in western Mexico.
Mexico exports 5 billion USD worth of goods each year to the ten-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Encompassing Jalisco and Colima states, Western Mexico has a population of 8 million people.
As one of the country’s key economic regions, only after Mexico City,the region specilises in producing footwear, garments and textiles,information-technology and fishing.-VNA