The Vietnamese Government leader suggested the two sides maintain the exchange of delegations and high-level meetings in flexible forms, and promote people-to-people diplomacy for better mutual understanding and trust.
He thanked the RoK Government and businesses for their support for Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19, and expressed the hope that the RoK side will continue to cooperate with and support Vietnam in combating COVID-19, especially in terms of accessing vaccine supplies and medicines for COVID-19 treatment, developing pharmaceutical industry, and improving medical capacity.
Regarding economic cooperation, PM Chinh wished that the two sides would continue to encourage Korean businesses to invest more in Vietnam.
He suggested that the two sides consider the early resumption of commercial flights and recognition of each other's vaccine passports for resuming economic activities between the two countries. He called on the RoK side to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in the country.
For his part, Ambassador Park Noh-wan praised Vietnam’s recent flexible, effective and appropriate COVID-19 prevention measures, especially in responding to the fourth wave of outbreaks, towards the goal "safe adaptation to pandemic".
He announced that the RoK government will donate 1.1 million doses of Astra Zeneca vaccine to Vietnam, and this batch of vaccine is expected to arrive in Vietnam on October 13.
The RoK will continue to consider more medical assistance, including vaccines, for Vietnam in the near future, he said, affirming that Vietnam is one of the most important partners of the RoK.
The ambassador noted that despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, two-way trade between Vietnam and the RoK still grew 18 percent, and Vietnam remains an attractive and safe destination for RoK investors. The RoK's new investment in Vietnam this year surged by 24 percent over the previous year.
He said the RoK side wants to lift the relations between the two countries to a new height on the occasion of the 30th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties.
He took the occasion to convey the RoK Prime Minister's invitation to visit the RoK to PM Chinh./.