Vietnam, UK exchange experience on policy impact assessments

A workshop in Hanoi on July 21 discussed the UK’s experience in building an evaluation system for policy impact assessment reports and the feasibility of applying such a system in Vietnam.
Vietnam, UK exchange experience on policy impact assessments ảnh 1At the conference (Photo: Vietnam Ministry of Justice)

Hanoi (VNA) - A workshop in Hanoi on July 21 discussed the UK’sexperience in building an evaluation system for policy impact assessmentreports and the feasibility of applying such a system in Vietnam.

The gathering was co-organised by the Ministry of Justice and the UK’sDepartment for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

In his opening address, Nguyen Hong Tuyen, head of the ministry’sDepartment of General Affairs on Legislative Development, said policy impactassessment is an important activity that helps competent bodies select optimaland realistic policies, which is mandatory under the 2015 law on legal documentissuance.

While such evaluations have improved the general quality of policies andlegal documents in Vietnam, shortcomings, particularly the meagre andinadequate content of assessment reports, have been noted, according to Tuyen.

This is why measures to evaluate the quality of such reports are necessary,he affirmed.

Gareth Ward, UK Ambassador to Vietnam, said the UK is willing to shareits experience in building its evaluation system in order to help the countryensure transparency and improve the quality of its legal documents.

Rachel Holloway, an expert on regulatory reform from the UK department,noted that independent evaluation leads to quality and evidence-basedregulations and that an assessment agency needs support from authorities inorder to be able to question relevant management agencies./.

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