The ambassador’s attendance at the fishery forum andhis recent working visit to Maracaibo city in Zulia state were intended to promotetrade ties between Vietnam and Venezuela.
The diplomat noted that Vietnam’s fishery export ranksthird in the world, only after China and Norway, with annual revenue of nearly1 billion USD.
Regarding the trade ties between Vietnam and Venezuela,he said in the first 10 months of 2022, the two-way trade increased 700% year-on-year,stressing that after 15 years of establishing the comprehensive partnership,the two countries have signed more than 50 bilateral cooperation agreements,including those on fisheries.
Pointing out that the bilateral fishery cooperationhas yet to match potential of both sides, Duyen suggested parliamentarians,leaders of ministries and agencies, and scholars of Venezuela coordinate withthe Vietnamese side to set up cooperation mechanisms and sign technical dealsto facilitate fishery and food trading, covering food safety and hygiene.
Venezuelan Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture JuanCarlos Loyo spoke highly of Vietnam’s economic achievements, particularly thosein fisheries, and expressed his hope that the Southeast Asian nation willshare its experience in this field.
The participating Venezuelan parliamentarians, officials,scholars and businesses said they will work to seek cooperation mechanisms withVietnam in economy, trade and investment in general and fisheries inparticular./.