Google Maps, a free web mapping service application provided by Google, is providing incorrect information on Vietnam ’s territorial boundaries.
Users who access Google Maps can see the service that a part of Vietnam ’s territory estimated at thousands of square kilometres is incorrectly mapped as part of China , said Do Viet Thi, deputy director of the Ministry of Natural Recourses and Environment’s Border Line Centre.
“It’s clear to see that the border line at the northern border from Dien Bien province to Mong Cai city of Quang Ninh province is in the wrong place,” he said.
“The degree of error is particularly noticeable at Lao Cai and Mong Cai cities, with the border line between Vietnam and China being mapped incorrectly and encroaching on Vietnam ’s territory.”
Google’s mapping of the border line between the two countries also put many Vietnamese border gates, such as Tan Thanh and Thanh Thuy, into Chinese territory, said Thi.
Thi said the border line between Vietnam and China in this area follows river lines. In Lao Cai city, the border line runs along the Hong, Nam Thi, and Ba Ket rivers while the border line near Mong Cai city runs along the Ka Long and Bac Luan rivers.
“There has been no change in the border line in this area since it was mapped by the two countries in the late 19 th century,” said Thi.
Thi stressed that Google Maps was a free mapping service and did not have any legal value, but it could cause misunderstandings among users.
Vietnam and China have completed land border demarcation and landmark planting along their border lines. The governments of the two countries signed a protocol on border demarcation and landmark planting on November 18, 2009./.
Users who access Google Maps can see the service that a part of Vietnam ’s territory estimated at thousands of square kilometres is incorrectly mapped as part of China , said Do Viet Thi, deputy director of the Ministry of Natural Recourses and Environment’s Border Line Centre.
“It’s clear to see that the border line at the northern border from Dien Bien province to Mong Cai city of Quang Ninh province is in the wrong place,” he said.
“The degree of error is particularly noticeable at Lao Cai and Mong Cai cities, with the border line between Vietnam and China being mapped incorrectly and encroaching on Vietnam ’s territory.”
Google’s mapping of the border line between the two countries also put many Vietnamese border gates, such as Tan Thanh and Thanh Thuy, into Chinese territory, said Thi.
Thi said the border line between Vietnam and China in this area follows river lines. In Lao Cai city, the border line runs along the Hong, Nam Thi, and Ba Ket rivers while the border line near Mong Cai city runs along the Ka Long and Bac Luan rivers.
“There has been no change in the border line in this area since it was mapped by the two countries in the late 19 th century,” said Thi.
Thi stressed that Google Maps was a free mapping service and did not have any legal value, but it could cause misunderstandings among users.
Vietnam and China have completed land border demarcation and landmark planting along their border lines. The governments of the two countries signed a protocol on border demarcation and landmark planting on November 18, 2009./.