Speaking atthe event, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Foreign-InvestedEnterprises Nguyen Van Toan said two-way trade between Vietnam and China topped106 billion USD last year. Vietnam mostly imported equipment and materials usedfor textile, garment and footwear from China.
He hailedChina as one of the pioneering countries in terms of smart industry and 4.0technology with widespread 5G development.
Vietnam welcomesChinese and Chongqing provincial firms to explore business opportunities in thecountry, he said.
He alsocalled on the two countries’ enterprises to tap trade opportunities, thusboosting bilateral economic and trade ties.
ViceDirector of Chongqing’s Commerce Commission Xu Xincheng said as one of thelargest economic hubs of China, Chongqing serves as an important bridge betweenChina’s southwestern region and Vietnamese localities.
Since 2018, exports-importsbetween Chongqing and Southeast Asian countries have surpassed 12.4 billionUSD, over 3.5 billion USD of which was Vietnam’s trade with the province, up128.95 percent, he said./.