Buenos Aires (VNA) – The Vietnamese Embassy inArgentina and the Argentina-Vietnam Culture Institute (ICAV) on October 1 helda talk with trainees of Argentina’s National Defence College about the historyof the past national liberation struggle and current construction anddevelopment of Vietnam.
ICAV Vice President Ezequiel Ramonneda, who is also anexpert of Vietnam and Southeast Asia, briefed participants on the history,nation, people and culture of Vietnam.
He highlighted the milestone of the Vietnam’s revolution inAugust 1945 when the Vietnamese people, under the leadership of the CommunistParty of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, successfully regained thegovernment.
On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read theDeclaration of Independence, marking the establishment of the DemocraticRepublic of Vietnam and opening a new development period for the nation, henoted.
Ramoneda also underlined the strength from the desire forpeace, patriotism and solidarity of Vietnamese people.
He said that after national reunification, Vietnam hasrecorded great achievements in overcoming war aftermaths and developing theeconomy, especially after applying the “Doi moi” (reform) policy and driving developmenttowards industrialisation and modernisation.
Meanwhile, Ambassador Dang Xuan Dung reviewedVietnam-Argentina relations over the past 45 years, affirming that the tieshave been expanded in many areas, especially after they upgraded the bilateralrelationship to comprehensive partnership in 2010.
The two sides have made regular delegation exchanges, whilesigning various agreements in many areas, thus raising two-way trade to nearly3 billion USD in 2018, he said.
The ambassador held that there is much room for both sidesto further develop their partnership in the future.
During the programme, a number of documentary films onVietnam’s struggle for liberation as well as the image ofVietnam during the reform period and socio-economic achievements of the countrywere screened./.