According to a report by the office, in 2014, Vietnamese entitiesfiled only 487 patent applications compared to 3,960 by their foreigncounterparts. Last year, the number of applications filed by Vietnamese entitiesincreased to 991, while those filed by foreign entities rose to 8,469.
However, the total number of utility solutions filed by Vietnameseentities over the past decade was more than 1.3 times higher than those filedby foreign entities with an annual growth rate of 12% in comparison to the samefigure by foreign firms of 9.4%.
During the last ten years, Vietnamese entities filed a total of399,017 trademark registration applications, while foreign entities submittedonly 83,803 applications with the number of trademarks awarded to Vietnameseentities reaching 200,856, compared to 56,908 awarded to foreign entities, saidthe report.
Regarding applications for rights of use and ownership submittedover the past decade, from 2014 to 2023, there were 1,805 applications byindustrial property owners. There were also 11,757 applications for transfer ofownership by industrial property owners./.