Keyword: "Vietnamese war veterans"

9 Result

Delegates observe the flag-hoisting ceremony at the event (Photo: VNA)

Vietnamese war veterans in Germany celebrate VPA’s 80th anniversary

The Vietnamese War Veterans' Association in Berlin-Brandenburg of Germany held a ceremony on December 15 to mark the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22, 1944 - 2024), 35 years of the All People’s Defence Festival (December 22, 1989 - 2024) and the 15th anniversary of the association.

50th anniversary of Paris Peace Accords marked in Hungary

50th anniversary of Paris Peace Accords marked in Hungary

The Vietnamese Embassy and the liaison board of Vietnamese war veterans in Hungary co-organised a ceremony on December 20 to mark 50 years of the signing of the Paris Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords) (January 27, 1973) and the 78th anniversary of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) (December 22, 1944).
A veteran’s search for fallen comrades

A veteran’s search for fallen comrades

The family of martyr Luong Khanh in Nha Trang city couldn’t hold back the tears when they received a letter from a stranger informing them of the location of Khanh’s grave.