The gathering saw the participation of the Vietnamese Embassy’sCultural Counsellor Do Van Trung and hundreds of Vietnamese young peoplewho are working and studying in Japan.
Addressingthe event, VYSA Kanto’s Chairman Do Ba Duc said VYSA Kanto, as theVYSA’s key branch in Japan, frequently carried out a wide range ofactivities last year, including a job fair and a football competition,as well as a charity music festival in October to raise over 335,000 JPY(4,000 USD) for poor students.
These activitieshave helped to boost solidarity between the young Vietnamese communityin Japan and friendship between the two countries while promotingVietnam’s image, said Chairman Duc.
Counsellor DoVan Trung stressed on the significance of humanitarian activitieslaunched by VYSA, to not only overseas Vietnamese in Japan but also thepoor and children in their homeland.
He also called on Vietnamese students in Japan to study hard and learn from Japan’s experiences to develop their country.
On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy presented certificates ofmerit to outstanding young people who have actively contributed to theassociation’s operations.
The congress announced themembers of its new executive board for the 2011-2012 term, with NguyenNgoc Tu as the chairperson.
The VYSA will expand itsactivities to support Vietnamese young people in Japan and to bolstersolidarity amongst the community as well as mutual understanding betweenthe people’s of both countries.
Since its inceptionin 2001, VYSA, with 14 branches across Japan, has conducted a broadspectrum of projects to support young Vietnamese people and studentsliving in Japan./.