The opening of the headquarters aims to amplify VinFast’s business activitiesin the region, develop its extensive direct-to-consumer retail network, androll out mobile service, to ensure a premium customer experience.
The three headquarters of VinFast in Germany, France, and the Netherlands arelocated in Frankfurt, Paris, and Amsterdam. Opening a VinFast headquarters ineach market is designed to provide an optimal level of service to eachcustomer, driven by an in-depth understanding of each country’s nuancedrequirements.
In support of its ambitious rollout, VinFast already has hundreds of employeesin place across its European launch markets, boasting a range of major vehiclemanufacturer experience and market-specific expertise.
The opening of VinFast’s first flagship store, in Cologne, Germany, isscheduled for November 2022. It will be followed before the end of the year byParis as the first French store, then Nice; and Amsterdam as the primary Dutchlocation; Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and Hamburg, in Germany. New Europeanlocations opening early in 2023 will include Oberhausen in Germany; Marseille,Rennes, Montpellier and Metz in France; and Den Haag and Rotterdam in theNetherlands.
VinFast’s retail and services system will be supported by a network oftechnicians and Mobile Service vehicles that provide customers with a widerange of flexible repair and maintenance options. Service appointments can bebooked via the VinFast app and carried out at home or work, or at any VinFaststore that supports servicing. The mobile service has been deployed in Germanyand will expand across Europe in Q1 2023. VinFast also aims to hire over 200technicians during the next 12 months to support its aftersales network.
Europe is an important market for VinFast. Along with establishing itsheadquarters in France, Germany, and the Netherlands, as well as developing anextensive retail and service network, VinFast continues to seek a suitablelocation for a European manufacturing facility./.