The information wasunveiled at the third conference of the presidium of the VUFO, during whichdelegates agreed that the union will enhance cooperation with partners inaddressing the consequence of war, Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin, bombs and mines,natural disasters, and diseases.
Information effortswill be boosted to mobilise international support for Vietnam’s stance onissues regarding sea and island sovereignty, among others.
It will play amore active role in activities relating to the UN agenda on sustainabledevelopment by 2030 and will consider joining other major internationalmechanisms and forums in order to generate more support for the country.
Addressing theconference, VUFO President Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga said that amidst theimpact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the union has overcome difficulties andstrived to adapt to the new situation.
Phan Anh Son,VUFO Vice President and Secretary General, said the union provided timely aidto international friends in fighting the pandemic last year, with total fundingamounting to about 13 billion VND (563,500 USD).
Meanwhile,through the union, 115 non-government organisations sent more than 6.5 millionUSD in cash and kind to Vietnam during the fight, he added.
The unionintensified the application of information technology, he said, as well asonline people-to-people exchanges in the context of COVID-19, helping toenhance friendship and cooperation between the people of Vietnam and foreigncountries./.